Appa, You turned 70!
I am immediately reminded of all your birthdays when you would argue with Amma and me about staying 28 years old forever. Being 36 years old myself, I now better understand the sentiment of treating the age as just a number. So here’s to you being always-28. I pray that the health, enthusiasm, energy and happiness of a 28 year old remains with you forever and forever!
When I look back at my not-so-long life, the below 7 instances and experiences with you. stand out for me. Hey, both 28 and 70 are multiples of 7 :)
Importance of value
I don’t think you will remember this incident but it is etched in my mind very clearly. I had forced Amma to get me 5 boxes of chiclets because that got me a free toy. I was super happy about it. Then you came and I told you about the whole thing. You asked me whether the value of the free toy was worth buying 5 chiclets. This was my first and most important lesson on identifying and understanding. the value of everything in life. Reinforcing this incident, i have seen you investing more in the right things and holding back on those that are not so much. While I am no expert yet – this foundation has guided me to do a decent job till date.
People people people
They say you don’t choose your parents – but with parents like you and amma – I am thankful that I didn’t get to choose any other. I have been blessed with good people always, be it parents, husband, in laws, children, grand parents, cousins, larger family, friends, colleagues – you guys started this streak for me. You brought most of these people to me. I have seen the respect and adoration in people’s eyes when you enter a gathering or when they talk about you. Your actions speak volumes here. You give so much, without expecting anything in return. I have seen you mentor and not give up on so many people – personally and professionally. Many times going against them and seeing beyond their momentary actions. I hope to cultivate this strength in my life.
Getting down to basics
This was during your course at IIM, you narrated this one to us. The class had been spilt into two and each team was expected to put together a sales plan, or something like that. The professor was a renowned person. The team that competed yours had put together a very flashy presentation. You said you had done one which was more basic in nature, but was number driven. The other team presented first and took the class through their work. After they finished, you spoke up congratulating the team about the presentation, but ended up saying ‘you are wrong’. You then took the class through your deck. The other team was furious and was arguing with you – the whole scene was as dramatic as it gets. Then everyone looked to the. professor. He calmly said ‘he (pointing to. you) is right’.
This is not a stand alone incident. Time and again, agendas of important meetings with management have been set aside once people saw what you had put together for that meeting. The power of getting the basics right, is very powerful indeed and you continue to nail this one.
Making the right decision, at the right place right time
When someone asks me why I have taken to marketing, I smile at how this was one more of you helping me make the right decision at the right place and at the right time. I was in my last year of engineering, with a job in my hand. I had written the entrance exam for doing an MBA but like most of my friends I just wanted to take up that job. I didn’t apply to any of the MBA schools. You came home for lunch and asked me which schools I had applied to – once I told you about my plans, you made me realise that this was the only time I had to do my post graduation. After this, it would be very unlikely that I would do it once I took up my job. We applied to 2 schools and I got through in one. I have enjoyed my line of work so far and I trace the reason back to you.
Balancing health
The commitment that you show towards leading a healthy lifestyle always amazes me. Everyday, irrespective of your schedule you devote time, energy and focus on your body – be it regular massages, exercise or diet.
Emotional and spiritual quotient
This one was more recent. After giving birth to Niyati, I was down – physically and emotionally. I had a hard time bringing myself together on routine tasks. Here again, you and Amma were there to support me. You made me understand the importance of building the right emotional and spiritual quotient. This has helped me, at this time when I should be able to give my best to Nihi and Niyati. The balance that you bring in to your physical, emotional and spiritual front is inspiring to me.
A self made person
Be it your career, or the exercises, or anything in life, you have largely been a self made man. And I have seen people reach out to you for your wisdom that you have garnered over the years. I pray that you continue this journey through out.
Kurai Ondrum Illai
There are more, of course. A life like yours is not summarised that easily in a write up. But with this, I wanted to express my gratitude for all that you have given me. Again, I pray that the health, enthusiasm, energy and happiness of a 28 year old remains with you forever and forever!